
Weather Forecast   BeiJing QingDao GuangZhou TianJin ShangHai ChongQing

Background analysis of the climate in Xiamen

    Xiamen has a subtropical maritime monsoon climate, with long sunshine duration and adequate precipitation. The annual average temperature is about 20℃, neither severe cold in winter nor scorching hot in summer. With the whole year free of frost, blooming flowers and green trees can be seen all the year around.
    Spring warms up, with increase of precipitation and monsoon turning from northeasterly to southerly. The sea winds and thunderstorms in summer may bring some coolness to the hot weather, and typhoon occurs from time to time during this season. It is clear and rainless in autumn.
    Xiamen is often affected by such disastrous weather as sea fog, thunderstorm and typhoon. The sea fog occurs during the period from November to the next June and mostly happens in March. The thick fog generally forms at midnight and in the early morning. Visibility in March-May is bad and turns to be good within July-October period. Thunderstorms occur most in the May-August period, and typhoon mostly comes in the July-September period, averaging 5-6 times per year.

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